with proven methods

I can help you to access your full potential

Work centered on the human being, through Jungian therapy and astrology, creating conditions for an integrated and authentic life.
Debbie Worthington

Main services I can provide you


Analysis of the biography and how this narrative contribute to the process of continuous growth and self-realization. In packages of 4, 8,12 sessions

Even before your birth, you, as a soul-personality, determine what your evolutionary cycle will be, and for that, what experiences are necessary.

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Junguian Therapy

In partnership with the client, explore their internal and external world, collaborating in the individuation process, resulting in greater awareness and integration of personality

Astrology is a symbolic language, and symbols, as Jung said, are instruments for transforming psychic energy. The soul speaks through metaphors, symbols and archetypes.

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Navigating your inner life

With integrated forecasting techniques, we focus not on the events themselves, but on the answers and meanings, to uncover evolutionary opportunities

As we evolve, our map accompanies us and at each period new opportunities and challenges are presented to us, in order to fully enable our evolution and happiness.

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— About Debbie Worthington

The best version of yourself at your fingertips

In astro psychology or astro therapy, we identify
What relationship events have to the client’s consciousness? What opportunities does it offer for self-knowledge and awareness growth?
Events are not interpreted as isolated occurrences, but as intentional manifestations of developmental cycles and contribute to an ongoing process of growth that creates the conditions for self-fulfilment.

Debbie Worthington

Debbie Worthington
Years of
studies and experience

Results I helped create

"I've had my chart read by a few different astrologers but your reading is what I go back and see how the things you shared are coming true for me now I see some changes in my business that I didn't believe would happen but are happening and were predicted in your readings to me."
Zesham Mustafá
Core Energetics - United States
Sergio Lessa
"It's simply a unique and wonderful experience." Debbie has become more than our teacher. She is a master in astrology with excellence. Everything I know and learned I owe to her. With each meeting I find myself more stimulated to learn more and more under his tutelage.
It's been six years of much learning, a lot of exchange of opinion and ideas. And I realize that the process is fluid and the learning extremely consistent. I recommend it to everyone. "I am forever grateful to my mentor and friend."
Sergio Lessa
Leni Edwards
"The reading I received from Deborah Worthington really helped me see the light in my life. Our conversation was clear, pleasant and transformative. The consultation was thorough, rigorous, respectful, kind and honest in reflection. I always listen to my recordings to learn more about myself. Gratitude!"
Leni Edwards
Entrepreneur - United Kingdom
Andrea Cristina
I've been studying Astrology for a long time. But I wanted something with more depth. Real Astrology. I met Deborah's work at a Jungian seminar and did my natal chart reading with her. She was precise and her words reverberate to this day. I decided to take the astrology course because even Deborah's basics are much bigger than much of what I had learned so far.
Andrea Cristina Nunes
Leda Cummings
"One thing that makes her different from other astrologers is that she does the sessions not just “readings” of an astrological chart, but a conversation where we explore my past, present and future through my chart. I often listen to recordings of my sessions and see how accurate they are. I enjoy working with her and I always look forward to my sessions with her."
Leda Cummings
LMC2 - United States
Katia Groeschel
"Studying with Debbie has been a watershed in my training as an Astrologer." His way of teaching invites us to reflect and integrate all the knowledge necessary for the analysis of a Natal Chart. She taught me that, more important than memorizing ready-made definitions, is knowing how to associate the theoretical part with practice in an integrative way. A professional extremely committed to the depth of knowledge and its applicability.
Katia Groeschel

To learn Astropsychology and Astrology

Astrology training courses and the Astro Psychology Specialization Course are online
Details on the link

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